Webography oriented by Prof. Leland McCleary (DLM:FFLCH-USP)

terça-feira, junho 27, 2006


Philippines - Language Planning and Intellectualization
By Andrew Gonzalez, La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
The article describes the case of Philippines language planning and the importance of the concept of Intellectualisation in this process, because it is examined as process and product according to its inner (psychological) and outer (sociological) dimensions.

Malaysia: Language Policy And Planning In Higher Education In Malaysia: A Nation In Linguistic Transition
By Saran Kaur Gill, Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia
The article gives us a wide view of the theme “Language Planning” and explains the phenomenon not only in Asia, but also in other countries in Africa. The central focus is the Higher Education. The author points out some themes and factors and analyzes them through political, economic and legislative views. There are bibliography references too.

India: A Review of H.R. Dua's Science Policy, Education, and Language Planning: “Science Policy: Empowering Indian Languages Vis-à-vis English”
By S. Imtiaz Hasnain, Ph. D. From the “Language in India – Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow”, Volume 3, 4 April 2003.
The text presents a critical review regarding the book “Science Policy, Education and Language Planning” written by H. R. Duas. Although is only a review, the text presents a good summary of the main ideas of the book and gives the reader a overview of the Indian processes of language planning and the related discussion about ideology – as the quotation from Tollefson (1991) regarding "invisible" ideology ", “… requiring everyone to learn a single dominant language (…) widely seen as a common-sense solution to the communication problems of multilingual societies".